Landscape originals


Slimbridge gateway

Hanley Swan, Summer

Looking west from the Holden hide - Slimbridge

Kynance Cove - Lizard peninsula

Barn owl hunting in Wensleydale

Nocturne amongst the Sea Campion - Inner Farne

The Froxmere Oak

Harry's tutorial

View to the Cotswolds from Castle Hill

Newborough beach, Anglesey

Checking the stock

Early walk

Bredon Church across the water meadows

Hanley Swan, Winter

Marsh Flora

Bredon buttercup fields

Eiders ducks on the rocks - Bamburgh

Autumn flocking Lapwings, Menai Straits

Doubtful Sound

First light

Approaching Boreray, St Kilda

Seeking shelter

Sunset at the end of the Dingle peninsula

View to Dunvegan castle, Skye

Hanley Swan, Autumn

Shoreline, Caldy

Oystercatchers, Llanddwyn Island

Winter pheasants, Moor end, Crowle

View to May Hill from Slimbridge

Old Mill on the River Dronne near Aubeterre

Dunstanburgh Castle

Riverside hunter Severn estuary

View to May Hill from Slimbridge